The Dementia Atlas is an interactive map that plots data about dementia care and support, allowing people to compare the quality of dementia care across the country.
The data is grouped in themes based on NHS England’s well dementia pathway which serves as a framework to ensure people with dementia have a better experience of health and social care support from diagnosis through to end of life.
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The Dementia Atlas contains an ‘Indicators’ panel which holds a range of data organised by themes as follows:
Preventing well
People can reduce their risk of dementia by living healthier lives. The earlier healthy behaviours are adopted the more likely a person is to have more years free from Illness, disability and frailty.
- Smoking prevalence
- Hypertension prevalence
Diagnosing well
How many people within your local area, have been diagnosed with dementia?
- New patients with dementia who have had a blood test recorded
- Dementia prevalence: ages 65+
- Dementia prevalence: all ages
Supporting well
More care and support for people with dementia, their families and carers should be provided out of hospital within people’s local communities to avoid unnecessary emergency admissions.
- People with dementia using inpatient hospital services
- Emergency admissions
Living well
We want every person diagnosed with dementia to receive meaningful care following their diagnosis. Find out how many dementia Friends are in your area and whether your community is Dementia Friendly.
- Care reviewed in the last 12 months
- Dementia Friends
- Dementia Friendly Communities
Dying well
In England, approximately 480,000 people die each year. One in 10 of these people will have dementia. One in three people who die after the age of 65 have dementia. All health and care staff who support dying people must be capable and compassionate in treating people with dementia.
- Mortality rate
- Death in usual place of residence